I LOVE Provo, and I love Utah County, even though I have found myself in this terrible oppression from them resulting in my federal lawsuit. Long before the lawsuit began, in the fall of 2023, I tried to avoid this entire event by making a dedicated effort to communicate openly with the city, law enforcement, and government officials about our religious practices. I personally hand-delivered hard copies of formal letters to key figures, including:
At the time, my intent was simple: to be transparent, to foster mutual respect, and to establish clear communication with those in positions of governance. These letters were written with sincerity and delivered directly by me in person.
Initially, I had no plans to publish these letters publicly. However, circumstances have changed. As these documents have now become part of public record—filed as evidence in legal proceedings—I have decided to post them here for complete transparency.
I believe in the power of open dialogue and truth. Below, you will find each of these letters in full, exactly as they were delivered.
By making these letters available to the public, I hope to further the conversation about religious freedom, government cooperation, and the importance of understanding contemporary entheogenic spirituality. If you have any questions or wish to discuss these matters further, I welcome the dialogue.
I hope publishing them today can help us move toward peace and resolution sooner.
— Bridger Lee Jensen
Bridger Lee Jensen, Singularism Founder
1969 N. State Street
Provo, Utah 84604
(435) 800 1969
Attn: Mayor Michelle Kaufusi
City Hall, Mayoral Suite
445 W Center St Suite 500
Provo, UT 84601
Dear Mayor Michelle Kaufusi,
I trust this message finds you in good spirits. My name is Bridger Lee Jensen, and I am the founder of an exciting and innovative new endeavor here in our wonderful Provo City – Singularism. I wanted to reach out to you personally to extend a hand of friendship, collaboration, and understanding.
First and foremost, I want to express my sincere appreciation for the incredible work you have been doing in strengthening the foundational principles of Provo through the four Provo Pillars. Your commitment to our city's growth and well-being has not gone unnoticed, and we are excited about the opportunity to contribute to this progress.
I also wish to assure you that this letter, along with the attached letter from my legal representation, is genuinely friendly and sincere in its intent. We are taking the time to write these letters to key government representatives to provide clarity regarding the legality of our practice and to underscore our commitment to operating within the bounds of the law. We understand that at times, the actions of entheogenic religions may be misconstrued as unlawful, and we aim to dispel any such misconceptions.
Singularism, our spiritual wellness center, and religious non-profit organization, shares the same core values as Provo's pillars: Welcoming, Safe & Sound, Economically Vibrant, and Forward-looking. We are genuinely eager to enhance and support these ideals in any way we can. We aim to be a great addition and to bring diversity to Provo’s resources for community mental wellness and spiritual development.
We are sincerely hoping to be received as a welcomed addition to Provo, and we offer our services to contribute to Provo’s array of religious practices and spiritual resources. Singularisms primary goal is to create a space of warmth, inclusion, and personal growth within our community. Singularism practices entheogenic religious ceremonies that are deeply rooted in spirituality, self-discovery, and the universal value of inclusion. We hold the safety and well-being of our members as our highest priority and take great inspiration from established medical institutions such as Johns Hopkins and Harvard Medical School to ensure the utmost care and professionalism in our practices.
I want to extend a sincere invitation to you to come and visit our wellness center in Provo. We believe that through open dialogue and firsthand experience, we can address any questions or misconceptions that may arise. It's crucial to us that our presence in Provo City is welcomed with understanding and support, and we would be honored to have you see firsthand the sincerity and commitment of our community.
It may interest you to know that I am a lifelong resident of Provo. I was deeply involved in Provo politics as a youth, even serving as Mayor of Provo City youth council under Mayor Billings and Stewart from 1997-2000. I attended elementary, middle, and high school in Provo. After serving an LDS mission, I continued to contribute to Provo politics and was involved as a young citizen for many years. I received a bachelor's degree from Brigham Young University, where my father was a professor for 37 years. Additionally, I was a passionate supporter of my friend, and neighbor, Former Provo Mayor John Curtis, before he was even involved in politics.
I only bring up my Provo connections as I wish to convey my deep love for Provo and my desire to now contribute to the community as the founder of Singularism. We understand that our practices may be unfamiliar to some, but we are here to engage in open, respectful conversations. Your perspective and guidance are invaluable to us, and we believe that, together, we can foster a harmonious relationship based on mutual respect and shared goals.
In closing, Mayor Kaufusi, I want to kindly ask if you would consider providing a small statement of support for our presence and the diversity and resources we offer the Provo community? The nature of our small spiritual practice and the ribbon cutting ceremony we did last week has garnered some degree of media interest, and having your welcoming statement would be a great asset for us to include in a press release or to provide if reporters seek your approval. Your support would mean a great deal to us as we strive to create a positive and inclusive environment in Provo City. We do not have political agenda, nor do we aim to be controversial. We just want to practice our religion peacefully.
If you would like to schedule a meeting with me and other Singularism representatives at your convenience, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are eager to engage in meaningful dialogue and explore avenues for cooperation that uphold individual rights and celebrate diversity.
Thank you for your dedication to maintaining a safe and inclusive community in Provo. We are genuinely optimistic that, together, we can build a future that respects and embraces the rich tapestry of our city.
With warm regards and hopeful anticipation,
Bridger Lee Jensen
Founder, Singularism in Provo City
1969 N. State Street. Provo, Utah
Tanner J. Bean
Tel. 801-323-2266
November 3, 2023
Utah County Attorney’s Office
Attn: Chad Grunander & Tim Taylor
100 East Center Street, Suite 2100
Re: Singularism’s Religious Practices
Mr. Grunander & Mr. Taylor,
I write to you today on behalf of my client, Bridger Lee Jensen, founder of Singularism. My good friend from law school, Tye Christensen, suggested that you would be good contacts at the Utah County Attorney’s Office on this matter, but please forward this letter to whomever is most appropriate within your office.
Mr. Jensen thanks your office for its service to the great state of Utah. Your office’s efforts in upholding and enforcing the law have played an integral role in making Utah County a safe and secure place to live for all its residents. Singularism, its founder, and followers are truly appreciative of the work done by your office and intend to support your efforts in any way possible.
As you may know, Singularism was recently featured in the media and your office was referenced as currently developing a position on the matter of Singularism’s legality. I have thoroughly consulted with Singularism regarding its spiritual practices and have evaluated how those are permitted by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and Article 1, Section 4 of the Utah Constitution. Singularism has taken every effort to accord with those authorities as well as additional proactive efforts to ensure only faithful followers of its practices participate in its closed ceremonies and have access to its sacraments. For example, Singularism has thoroughly reviewed the seminal memorandum provided by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, titled "Guidance on Federal Law Protections For Religious Liberty," which elucidates pertinent exemptions for religious practices akin to those espoused by Singularism. Even so, it may be helpful for you to have additional information about Singularism. Singularism is a religious organization centered around the safe and sincere use of entheogenic substances as part of its spiritual and religious practices. Singularism exercises its rights with profound reverence for the lawful use of entheogenic compounds. Cognizant of the fact that Singularism is a recent addition to Utah's religious tapestry, Singularism understands that religious minorities often face misconceptions and apprehensions. However, with Utah’s history regarding religious persecution, our community appears more sensitive to viewpoints and needs of minority faiths.
It is Singularism’s earnest desire to engage in open, good faith, and constructive dialogue with your office to ameliorate any doubts or reservations regarding the legality of Singularism’s religious tenets. Such religious tenets are bona fide and span pages and pages of doctrine. Singularism extends an open invitation to discussion and remains at your disposal to provide clarity and to demonstrate adherence to safety, sincerity, and other established legal parameters.
Singularism wishes to convey its unwavering commitment to lawfulness, openness, and productive engagement with the community it aspires to serve. To that end, Singularism has proactively reached out to the Mayor of Provo City and engaged with the State Attorney General's Office to advocate for its religious rights and the responsible use of entheogenic compounds for spiritual healing purposes.
Singularism, in adherence to its religious doctrine, asserts that the safe and controlled utilization of entheogenic compounds is an intrinsic and necessary component of their sacramental practices. Singularism’s religious followers are sincere in their pursuit of these religious practices and maintain that entheogenic use is a central part of their belief system for adult members that wish to partake of their sacraments safely and privately. Singularism even screens its followers for religious sincerity before permitting any to engage in their ceremonies.
Notably, Utah's jurisprudential landscape bears witness to this commitment in the recognition and protection afforded to the religious practices of the Native American Church, as well as other religious organizations. For example, Utah’s Controlled Substances Act contains a statutory religious exemption “in connection with the practice of a traditional Indian religion,” Utah Code § 58-37-8(12), as well as an exemption for medical use of cannabis, Utah Code § 58-37-3.7. Such underscores the jurisprudential path toward protecting the rights and practices of religious minorities like Singularism.
In sum, allow me to reiterate Singularism’s appreciation for the unwavering dedication of your office in ensuring the safety and security of the citizens of Utah County. Singularism’s objective is to elucidate its practices and ensure an accurate comprehension of their legality, thereby fostering an environment in which diverse faiths can coexist harmoniously within the state.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Singularism eagerly anticipates the prospect of engaging in mutually beneficial discourse to address any concerns and to reinforce the lawful nature of Singularism’s religious activities.
Tanner J. Bean
Tanner J. Bean
Tel. 801-323-2266
Provo City Council
Provo City Hall
445 W Center St Suite 420
Provo, UT 84601
September 8, 2023
Provo City Police Department & Provo City Council
Provo City Hall
445 W Center St Suite 420
Provo, UT 84601
RE: Introduction and Information about Singularism's Entheogenic Religious Practices
To Whom It May Concern,
As legal counsel for a newly organized religious institution, Singularism, I am writing to establish communication between Singularism and your offices, to provide insight into Singularism's entheogenic religious practices, and to foster mutual understanding and cooperation. Singularism seeks further understanding of your office’s policies as it believes it has a shared interest in serving the state, county, and city’s well-being. Singularism asked me to convey its gratitude for the four Provo Pillars and your commitment to strengthening foundational principles while positioning Provo for growth. Singularism deeply appreciates these ideals and aspires to contribute significantly by being (1) Welcoming, (2) Safe & Sound, (3) Economically Vibrant, and (4) Forward-looking. Singularism's leadership has discussed ways to meaningfully contribute and is eager to do so though their wellness center.
Singularism is an entheogenic spiritual organization devoted to nurturing self-discovery, spirituality, communal well-being, self-discovery, and inclusion.
Singularism practices sincere and safe religious ceremonies necessary to their spiritual counseling. Singularism has recently established a spiritual wellness center in Provo that it hopes will be regarded as an asset to the community. In this space members engage in practices that are clinically informed, spiritually motivated, and which help individuals in the community.
Singularism believes the state of Utah, Utah County, and Provo City has a rich history of recognizing and safeguarding the rights of various religious communities, such as those of Native American groups and other entheogenic spiritual organizations. This recognition reflects the diversity and inclusivity that underpins our society's core values. Furthermore, Utah's own history is intertwined with religious practices that were considered unconventional in the time they were founded, thereby underscoring the importance of upholding and respecting individuals' rights to practice their faith when done so safely and according to their sincere beliefs and as is necessary according to their faith.
My client respectfully asks for your compassionate tolerance of their religious practice, and for acceptance of their presence in Provo City as they exercise their religious liberties and contribute to the diversity and betterment of the city of Provo. It is crucial to emphasize that their practices are conducted in alignment with the protections granted by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 4 of the Utah Constitution, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act. It is Singularism’s sincere hope that by openly engaging with the community's leadership, it can establish a harmonious relationship based on mutual respect and shared goals.
Singularism’s leadership acknowledges that its practices may be unfamiliar to some and may give rise to sincere questions from citizens and government. Singularism is committed to the highest standard of transparency possible in its commitment to helping the community obtain answers to these questions and concerns. At the core of Singularism's mission is the creation of a secure and inclusive environment for its members to develop their spirituality and practice religious ceremonies for healing. It views your department's partnership as an opportunity to contribute positively to the community and to engage in meaningful dialogue that benefits the entire community.
Singularism’s representatives have asked me to extend an invitation to discuss any question you may have. They value your perspective and believe that through open dialogue, any misconceptions can be addressed and they can demonstrate that their spiritual ceremonies are conducted safely and in accordance with the law, which the members of Singularism deeply respect. If you wish, you can contact me to schedule a meeting with myself and Singularism’s representatives at your convenience.
Thank you for your dedication to maintaining a safe and inclusive community.
Singularism is optimistic that through partnership and dialogue, it can foster an
environment that respects diversity and upholds individual rights.
Tanner J. Bean
Federal Judge Orders Police to Return Magic Mushrooms
A major battle for psychedelic healing has been quietly developing in Salt Lake City, Utah. Claiming constitutional protections for their entheogenic religion, Singularism, a small entheogenic religious group, filed a In a lawsuit to protect themselves from governmental harassment. In stunning rebuke, a federal judge ruled that a small religious minority’s psilocybin use is protected by the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.........READ MORE
Right now, an important battle is being fought—one that could change history. And you have the power to make sure freedom wins.
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Singularism, a modern religious organization, is fighting back after a government raid disrupted its sacred practices. Learn about this landmark federal lawsuit defending religious freedom and protecting minority faiths......READ MORE
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