Salt Lake City, Utah – March 17th, 2025 – A major battle for psychedelic healing has been quietly developing in Salt Lake City, Utah. Claiming constitutional protections for their entheogenic religion, Singularism, a small entheogenic religious group, filed a In a lawsuit to protect themselves from governmental harassment. In stunning rebuke, a federal judge ruled that a small religious minority’s psilocybin use is protected by the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Singularism and its founder presented the court with evidence that Provo City, Utah County, and County Attorney Jeffrey Gray, among others, stand accused of bad faith and abuse of power including: abusive forum shopping, multiple state and constitutional violations, unlawful search and seizure, false threats & intimidation, public misrepresentation, retaliatory criminal filings, misuse of prosecutorial powers, and willful blindness to conflicts of interest, and acting with “willful indifference” to Singularism’s rights without investigation.
After an emergency hearing in which the court examined evidence, and heard testimony, the federal court issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) against the local government on Friday, Dec. 13th 2024. The court suggested the local government work out an agreement with Singularism, but instead they made a flurry of aggressive and retaliatory filings. Then again on February 20th, 2025 the court found it necessary to convert the TRO into a preliminary injunction to protect Singularism’s religious free exercise in part because of their likelihood fo win the entire case. The judge then ordered the magic mushrooms seized in the controversial raid to be immediately returned. The judge condemned the local government’s ’s actions, stating:
“it is ironic then that not long after enacting its RFRA to provide special protections for religious exercise, that the State of Utah should so vigorously deploy its resources, particularly the coercive power of its criminal-justice system, to harass and shut down a new religion it finds offensive practically without any evidence that that religion’s practices have imposed any harms on its own practitioners or anyone else."
The ruling has far reaching implications and underscores a broader legal battle over religious freedoms and the use of entheogens in spiritual practices. This case may further shape religious freedom laws and psychedelic healing practices.
Singularism’s attorney, Tanner Bean stated:
After hearing testimony and reviewing evidence, the U.S. The District Court for the District of Utah issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) against Utah County, Provo City, and Utah County Attorney Jeffrey Gray On Friday December 13th, 2024 (See complaint announcement here). However, just five days after the court issued the TRO, local government prosecutors, under the supervision of Utah Attorney General Jeffrey Gray, filed criminal charges against Singularism’s founder, Bridger Jensen, in what plaintiffs view to be an act of retaliation. These criminal charges were accompanied by a flurry other aggressive and vexatious filings related to the case.
Prompted by these filings, the court held another hearing on Jan. 23rd. 2025 to determine the motion for preliminary injunctions. In this hearing legal argument was heard, and additional briefings requested by the court. On Feb 20th, 2025 the court reaffirmed it's stance and the protections by converting the TRO into a preliminary injunction in a 38-page decision. Judge Jill Parrish condemned the state’s actions, stating:
The court not only halted the local government’s efforts to suppress Singularism’s religious practices but also ordered the immediate return of the sacred psilocybin mushrooms that had been seized in a controversial police raid. For months the local government refused and delayed to return the mushrooms, but this second order required them to do so. This marks a historic legal precedent, affirming that the government cannot unlawfully confiscate religious sacraments. In this order honorable Judge Parrish opened with a strong statement reinforcing her protections for religious freedom:
This victory comes at a time when Utah’s newly enacted Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), passed in 2024, is being tested for its real-world application, alongside Utah’s passage of a discretionary psilocybin program for psilocybin use in secular, medical settings in the state’s largest healthcare systems, also passed in 2024. The ruling contributes precedent for how state and federal courts may handle religious entheogenic cases in the future. Additionally Judge Jill Parish stated:
The decision is also a stunning rebuke to Utah County and Provo City officials, who have now lost two major legal motions against Singularism. Despite their months-long resistance, local authorities were ultimately forced to return both the seized mushrooms and sacred scriptures taken from Singularism’s spiritual center. Bridger was able to receive them from police on March 4th, 2025.
The court’s ruling forecasts the likelihood that the local government’s actions will ultimately be found to be civil rights violations. As Singularism’s founder has said:
While Singularism would prefer to resolve the dispute with the local government defendants, it appears the defendants remain intent to resist the court’s conclusions that Singularism is substantially likely to prevail on the merits of its lawsuit, meaning Singularism will have to endure continued litigation at the hands of defendants. To sustain itself as a very small religious organization, Singularism is launching a crowdfunding campaign to cover its legal defense . Jensen looks forward to the debacle ending and hopes to avoid a full trial, adding:
The ruling is expected to have ripple effects across the country as other entheogenic religious groups cite this case in their own legal battles. The outcome could influence ongoing debates about the legal standing of psychedelic sacraments within the framework of the First Amendment and state- and federal-level RFRA protections.
Singularism is a contemporary religion dedicated to the responsible, ethical, and structured spiritual use of psilocybin as a sacrament. Rooted in the core belief that “all is one,” Singularism incorporates scientific understanding, modern spirituality, and ancient entheogenic traditions to create a safe, intentional, and transformative religious practice which establishes a connection with the Divine.
Unlike informal and secular psychedelic movements, Singularism operates with rigorous ethical and religious guidelines, extensive preparation, and integration protocols, ensuring that every spiritual journey is conducted with reverence, responsibility, and respect. The religion welcomes seekers from all backgrounds who share an authentic religious commitment to personal growth, healing, the alleviation of suffering, and pursuit of communication with the Divine.
As one of the first cases of its kind in the nation, Singularism stands at the forefront of religious freedom and psychedelic spirituality, advocating for the right to practice without government interference, while safeguarding personal and public safety.
Federal Judge Orders Police to Return Magic Mushrooms
A major battle for psychedelic healing has been quietly developing in Salt Lake City, Utah. Claiming constitutional protections for their entheogenic religion, Singularism, a small entheogenic religious group, filed a In a lawsuit to protect themselves from governmental harassment. In stunning rebuke, a federal judge ruled that a small religious minority’s psilocybin use is protected by the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.........READ MORE
Right now, an important battle is being fought—one that could change history. And you have the power to make sure freedom wins.
Imagine a world where people can safely and legally seek healing, where religious freedom is truly protected for everyone—not just for large, well-known faiths, but for all spiritual seekers. That world is possible—but only if people like you stand up and defend it......READ MORE
Singularism, a modern religious organization, is fighting back after a government raid disrupted its sacred practices. Learn about this landmark federal lawsuit defending religious freedom and protecting minority faiths......READ MORE
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